U.S. Bishops Must Choose: Black People or the Police

2020 will go down as one of the most potted years in recent history. In the span of just a few months, which have seemed like decades each, we have experienced a global health pandemic, massive waves of unemployment in the US nearing the levels of the Great Depression, sustained public protests over racial injustice and police […]

Lines of Tension, Rays of Light

A philosophical meditation on tension through the lens of biography, ancestry, race, violence, guitar and song; an inquiry into the heart and soul of education.

Challenging the Police: Abolition and Christian Ethics

Modern just war theory shows us how radical moral protest can be repurposed to maintain domination. Now that police abolition is on the menu, we need a Christian ethics that grounds radical demands in social movements and struggle to end domination.

What Can Be Learned from Seattle’s CHOP/CHAZ?

CHOP/CHAZ was an inspiring moment in the ongoing fight for freedom from racism and capitalism. It offers important lessons to Christians and radicals involved in liberation struggles across the globe.

Black Holes, White Dwarves

In the wake of George Floyd’s lynching, many white socialists are learning that what they believed to be a white dwarf, slowly burning itself out, was, in fact, a black hole. We are now living in what Saidiya Hartman has called “the afterlife of slavery.”

On Reconciling Marxism and Christianity

Is a full reconciliation of Marxism and Christianity possible? MK Anderson meditates on this possibility through experiences of the cruelty of Christianity, starvation and bodily pain.

The Coronavirus Pandemic is a Capitalist Pandemic

As protests surge and confidence in capitalism plunges, we need a theory of crisis and change that explains the wild growth of profit at the expense of working people’s lives. The revolutionary prophet Karl Marx proposed just such a theory.

The Caution of Catholic Bishops is Dangerous for Black Lives

After the murder of George Floyd, American Catholics are looking for moral clarity on racism, police brutality, and the importance of protest. But in their recent statements, the USCCB seems to prefer hedging and the safety of indistinction.