Set It Off

Across America, new and militant forms of solidarity are emerging, now that the ugly face of racial capitalism and police brutality are laid bare.

The Radical King Against Bourgeois Christianity

King embodied a messianic religion which sought to unveil the state of emergency in American life. His call for a radical restructuring of social power afflicted — and continues to afflict — the fantasies of white bourgeois Christianity.

Žižek and the Perverse Core of Christianity

Slavoj Žižek rightly contends that Christianity is perverse. But by absorbing Christianity into Hegelian categories, he mistakes the perversion of contemporary Christianity under the rule of the commodity form for the original perversion of Christianity: the crucified God.

Liberation Spirituality for a Global Pandemic

Liberation spirituality is a call to care for our bodies, the bodies of others and the social body. It places us on the path to finding the concrete practices of genuine spirituality within the struggle for socialist justice, rather than outside it.

Herbert McCabe: The Class Struggle and Christian Love

For a limited time, we are republishing Herbert McCabe’s seminal essay on class struggle and Christianity. It remains an exemplary artifact of Christian-Marxist dialogue, a dialogue which remains essential today.

Revolutionary Pessimism: The Worst is Yet to Come

Ours is a situation that cannot rely on the abstract comforts of “optimism” or “hope.” Instead, we need what Peter Fleming calls a “revolutionary pessimism” that weaponizes our unhappiness to perceive “in this decomposing world both a taste of things to come and a way out.”