How Aren’t We Going to Pay for That?

Ryan Cooper’s book is a surprisingly effective way to expose a conservative know-it-all or a liberal naïf to a sensible, progressive worldview—and it’s enjoyable to boot. Spending hawks beware, social democracy in America is possible.

Inside the Postliberal Mind

Adrian Vermeule’s new book was not written to persuade hostile readers, but to provide ammunition for his allies. It gives us a peek under the hood of postliberalism—and the contents are both shoddy and dangerous.

Sanctuary for Trans Lives

Gov. Abbot’s order to investigate trans children is a clarion call for the church. For the sake of our trans neighbors, out-organizing the right is not just an option, it is a matter of survival.

The Banality of Goodness

Miles Meth, a queer Jewish organizer, recounts his journey to Germany to discover the awe-inspiring, ordinary goodness of human relationships and solidarity—and a new way to think about our damaged future.

A Different World

A recent review at First Things pans Fred Moten as an “­insider-outsider” who sits atop the very hierarchies he claims to defy. Jared Loggins shows how this misunderstands both Moten and the fugitive black tradition.

Socialism Within Markets: Economic Democracy from Above and Below

Socialists have long debated the possibility of markets within socialism. Today, the utopian impulse that fired the market socialist debate of the ‘90s has resurged, because there had damned well better be an alternative to extreme inequality and destroying the planet.