Turning Away from Mammon

There is deep harmony between the labor movement’s commitment to solidarity and the mutuality at the heart of the Catholic faith. But Catholics who want to build labor militancy will have to fight the Church’s acquiescence to capital.

The Many Deaths of Neoliberalism

Neoliberalism is dying — again. Many are heralding Joe Biden’s policies as the end of neoliberalism. But these premature proclamations misunderstand what neoliberalism is: a holistic ethos and vision for society to remake every area of life on the model of market competition.

Fears of a Working Class Revolt

Who holds the power in Biden’s administration? So far, every indication we have suggests that business is still calling the shots in Washington—and they fear a working class revolt.

Between Christ and Anti-Christ

Despite Nietzsche’s disgust with Christianity and its political inheritance, democracy, modern-day conservatives like Jordan Peterson draw heavily on Nietzschean tropes. Understanding Nietzche’s anti-egalitarian philosophy shows us why.

Bridging the Old Left and New Left

Uniting the Left through democratic socialism was a storied, frustrated, long-running dream of American socialists. Michael Harrington kept it alive before Bernie Sanders and the ravages of neoliberalism dramatically revived it.