Capitalism and the Aesthetics of Fascism

To understand the emotionally thrilling spectacle of fascism, it is crucial to understand precisely how conspiratorial propaganda worked under historic fascist regimes, and how it continues to work today.

The Voice of Tradition and the Unheard Present

Carl Trueman’s new book demonstrates that even erudite conservative accounts of our modern moment struggle to grapple with the voices and experiences of ordinary people. Nowhere is this clearer than in Trueman’s atrocious treatment of queer and trans people.

The Perils of Catholic Postliberalism

Catholic postliberalism fails to adequately analyze the relationship between capitalism and liberalism, leading to an ahistorical, reactionary, and ultimately repressive vision of political order.

When It Comes to Palestine, Christians Must Be Anti-Imperialists

Socialists must always side with colonized people when their struggle for freedom. As Paulo Freire said, “never in history has violence been initiated by the oppressed. How could they be the initiators, if they themselves are the result of violence?”

Christianity and Capitalism Are Fundamentally Incompatible

To connect socialism and Christianity is to say it’s not enough for progressive Christians to have a bland kind of general inclusiveness that doesn’t really look at undermining, disrupting, or dismantling fundamental economic systems.

Why Christians and Cold War Liberals Hate “Secular Religion”

Conservative Christians and a new cohort of Cold War liberals are once again finding common ground with an old term they devised to delegitimize the left. But they mistake the anti-communist solidarity of the past for religious consensus and fail to grasp the real battles of their moment.

Faith Means Solidarity

We are not in solidarity with Jesus if we are not in solidarity with the most vulnerable among us. We are not in solidarity with the most vulnerable if we are not working to overcome capitalism.

Creatures of the World, Unite!

Christian care of creation requires a socialist politics organized around systemic approaches, reparative policies, and hopeful visions of ecological solidarity.