Who Signed Martin Luther King Jr.’s Death Warrant?

By February 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was uniquely positioned to lead a bold challenge to America’s economic and political status quo. On April 4th, he was dead, just days before the Poor People’s Campaign march.

Despoiling Pharaoh

What will happen to the white settler church as its mandate from colonized peoples is withdrawn? As american Asians find themselves unprotected from white supremacy? This is not a question of reform, but of exodus. It is a question of how we may best despoil Pharaoh.

Holy Wednesday: Apocalypse, War, Death and the Least of These

When fear of the future threatens to plunge us into morally unproductive terror, we can fall back to the practical, humble guidelines Jesus issued to his disciples on the eve of his arrest: observe, prepare, be yourself, and take care of each other – most importantly the “least of these.”

Holy Tuesday: A Deluge of Damnation

It is Holy Tuesday, and the lines have been drawn. Jesus has thrown down the gauntlet by damning and enraging the powerful. He will not be absorbed and domesticated. He is dangerous. Now there can be no compromise – this is the way to Calvary.

A Union Struggle of Biblical Proportions

The Amazon union vote in Bessemer is the latest act of organized resistance in a long history of struggle by Southern workers — many of them deeply religious — for a voice in the factories, mines, and cities built by their labor.

The Fags and the Cha-Ching

The late Christopher Chitty’s groundbreaking book, Sexual Hegemony, is a truly queer work, an unconventional intellectual project that is of great importance for theologians who want to make sense of queer life.

The Invisible Feet of the Market: Defining Capitalism

Mainstream definitions treat capitalism only as an economic system, when in fact it is a comprehensive social order. Capitalism is an attempt to organize the survival of humankind (or at least a portion of it) through deep patterns of unfreedom.

The Debt Collective’s Radical Vision to Abolish Debt

Debt is crushing millions of Americans. The Debt Collective has emerged as a powerful, organized challenge to the regime of neoliberal austerity that relies on debt. Their book Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay is an essential guide for organizers and Christians.