Rev. Chaz Howard: “Direct Action is a Worshipful Act”

For Episcopalian priest Rev. Chaz Howard, faith, ministry, academics and activism are all connected. “The strongest theological work grows legs and marches out of the classroom and off the page into the streets working for change in the greater society.”

Spectacular Politcs: On the Culture of Trumpism

Trump’s celebrity presidency tore apart the alleged distinction between culture and politics, building a reactionary movement that is at once fanatically invested and politically passive. Jon Greenaway explores how Debord’s work illuminates Trumpism.

Fratelli Tutti Challenges the Utopia of Neoliberalism

A left economic agenda is actually reasonable and – dare we say it – moderate. Our rhetorical focus should be on the de facto extremism of so-called centrists themselves, and Pope Francis’ recent encylical shows us why.

The Frankenstein of Culture Jamming

Is Qanon a right-wing cooption of left-wing “culture jamming”? Daniel Tutt examines the aesthetics and theatrics of the far-right, suggesting that Jean Baudrillard’s notions of simulation and seduction help us understand conspiracy thinking.

An Apocalypse About Nothing

Apocalyptic rhetoric supplies a meaning and urgency to American politics that is objectively absent, inspiring a loyalty that is always necessarily betrayed. Adam Kotsko writes on the Capitol putsch and tenability of neoliberalism’s apocalyptic bait-and-switch.

The Christian Socialism of It’s a Wonderful Life

Whatever power money holds in Bedford Falls, it’s nothing compared to God’s ability to remake the town on a whim. And God uses that ability, not to show George Bailey the value of banking pursuits, but to condemn the capitalist class.

Socialists Fought For and Won Our Basic Democratic Rights

The myth of our democratic rights is that they were handed down to us from on high by liberals. But the ruling class resisted extending the franchise at every turn — and socialists were the ones who fought them for the right to vote.

Life or Debt: Dave Ramsey’s Capitalist Theology

Dave Ramsey has built a veritable empire around a simple idea: debt is bad, and having debt makes you bad. His paeans to capitalism and paranoia about socialism help to scare his audience away from basic policies that might tangibly improve their lives.